INTRAS is a non-profit organization founded in 1994 dedicated to high quality research and intervention in the mental health field. The organization nowadays consists of 8 centres in 3 different provinces in Spain with more than 90 psychiatrists, psychologists and professionals from social and economic fields carrying out research, training and clinical practice. The development of its services is based on the Recovery approach, thus empowering the users to live a self-determined and self-confident life through reflecting their potential/ wishes and providing them with vocational training and employability programmes.


Years of professional work have brought INTRAS solid experience and excellent referential background both in the field of European projects and in the development of innovative activities for psychosocial and labour rehabilitation. Since 2011, INTRAS holds a European Excellency Seal +400 (given by European Foundation for Quality Management).


INTRAS will contribute to the project with its vast experience providing VET to people with mental health problems and its constant concern to provide quality training and supported employment.


Contact Person:

Sara M Ispierto
Tel: +34 983 399 633